Do your consumer clients have problems with their credit file? Is your consumer client needing assistance to resolve an outstanding debt? If so, we are here to help! Some indicators that a business is struggling may be: Solicitors’ letters, demands, summonses,...
Building long term relationships with your clients is the key to your success. A trusted advisor is more likely to be approached by their clientele again and again, making your investment in client relationships so important. A client is more likely to come to you for...
In the past few years, we have all seen interest rates on the rise, at the same time as we have experienced a cost-of-living increase. This has meant that some of your clients will experience financial stress, even with necessities such as housing and food. Everything...
Useful ideas for mortgage brokers As there has been consistent increases in mortgage rates, your clients may have an increased risk of falling into mortgage arrears. There are some warning signs that would alert you to mortgage stress, and understanding these...
What then? There is a terrific amount of work that goes into having a loan application approved. Every broker knows it. You also know with absolute certainty that nasty surprises on a credit file may kill a deal, so it’s best to check first. But what if a credit file...
As you know, having an excellent credit score is a key consideration when it comes to applying for a home loan or obtaining any other finance. Unfortunately, many of your clients may be unaware that they have a low credit score can make it difficult for your clients...
Relief for business borrowers – sixth cash rate hold this year In what must be a relief for borrowers, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has decided to hold the cash rate at 4.35 per cent. This is the sixth cash rate hold for 2023. In a Media Release from the...
A construction business had their business bank accounts frozen by a commercial creditor this week when a receiver was appointed. The directors have a new baby and can’t pay their employees this week because of the bank account freeze… Scenario’s similar to these are...
Research conducted by credit bureau Illion published in their Commercial Insight Report for July 2023 suggested that the economic landscape for businesses might worsen in 2023 due to an increase in overdue trade invoices and debt collection. As business solvency faces...
As a mortgage broker, you play a crucial role in connecting clients with lenders, making home ownership dreams a reality. Your expertise helps individuals secure the ideal home loan and repayment plan tailored to their unique needs. When clients are looking for a...
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